A google search yields an opensourced project started by Kyle @ Openyou.org and continued along by BenoƮt Allard that supports uploading data from the tracker to the FitBit personal website.
Steps I used to install:
- Registration
- If the device hasnt already been registered with FitBit website, unfortunately you will need to by using the windows software link provided by the device. I have an emergency WinXP vm for just such purposes. After registration you do not need it running anymore
- Get the source from github (as superuser):
- apt-get install git
- mkdir /opt
- cd /opt
- git clone https://github.com/benallard/libfitbit.git
- cd libfitbit
- Allow the device to be used by non-superusers
- cp ./platform/linux/* /etc/udev/rules.d
- Install python libraries needed:
- pip install pyusb
- apt-get install python-yaml
- Run the service:
- python /opt/libfitbit/python/fitbit_client.py
Done! Now the device will be syncing with the website as long as the service is running.