Looking to integrate this hardware into my existing Pytomation / Misterhouse home automation system, I decided to see how "open" they are about third party integrations.
What I have found is that they have a REST based API available from their own servers in the cloud, however, I could not find a way to access this device locally within my own network.
I spent an hour or so sharking the device to see what was available and here are my results:
- The device is created by AlertMe (has their MAC vendor address)
- It has TCP ports 80 and 111 open (neither one of them does standard HTTP on it though) Unknown protocol.
- It communicates with imgserver.irissmarthome.com for firmware updates on HTTPS
- It communicates with hubserver.irissmarthome.com for general communication on HTTPS
- It appears to run Linux 2.6 based on nmap -O
- It appears to have support for SafetyNet protocol (UDP port 4000) Dont know much about it other than is supports secure connections for embedded devices on ethernet.
- I have heard that it has a TTL serial port on the board, but login password is unknown.