Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stream Videos to Android (Part 2) HTC EVO

Went a slightly different route but got reliable video streaming to finally work on my phone from my movie server at home:

Obtain Market App: VLC Stream & Convert qr

Start up VLC on host computer (On port 8091):

vlc -I http --http-host :8091

Start app VLC Stream & Convert

- Select Menu / Connect

- Enter your IP <hostname> and 8091 port

To fix audio lag go to: Menu->Settings->Stream rtsp->Synchronize on audio

Stream Motion Webcam out to Flash Video website

camUse linux motion:

Use the video loopback plugin

Setup vlc with FLV stream:
vlc -v v4l:///dev/video2 --sout "#transcode{vcodec=FLV1,acodec=mp3}:std{access=http,dst=}"

Obtain flash video app:

Hit website and whoila!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Create a PKCS .p12 certificate

Needed to import a certificate to use OpenVPN on Android.

Using Openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in private-cert.crt -inkey private-key.key -certfile ca.crt -name "[friendly name]" -out new-cert.p12